library services
What can we do for you today?
get your
library card
A Library Card for the Chester County Library System unlocks a world of resources, opportunities, and experiences! Use your library card to check out books, eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, access online research databases 24/7, plus gain access to music, DVDs, business information, and our on-site PCs!

Need a library card?
You are eligible for a free library card if you live, work, own property or attend school in Chester County. Out-of-county residents who are ACCESS PA cardholders qualify for a free library card under the ACCESS PA Statewide Library card program.
For all others who wish to obtain a library card, an Out-of-County fee of up to $20 may apply.
Apply Online: Adults (age 18+) can complete and submit an application online here.
Apply Using Mobile App: Adults can submit an application using the Chester County Library System mobile app. Two forms of valid ID that verify current address are required when using the mobile app to apply for a library card. The app is available to download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Apply In Person: Bring your valid ID (Driver's License, or other ID with utility bill or lease) to verify your name and current address to any Chester County Library. Fill out an application and receive your library card.
When applying in person, applicants must be present at the library to obtain their new card. Parent or guardian must sign and show valid ID for application of a minor under 18 years of age.
Renew Your Card
Adult accounts expire every three years. You can renew your account in person at the library by presenting ID that verifies your current address. You can also renew your account using the Chester County Library System mobile app. Two forms of ID that verify current address are required when using the mobile app to renew an expired card.
Minor/child accounts expire when the cardholder reaches 18 years of age. When a minor’s account expires they must re-apply as an adult cardholder either in person, online or using the mobile app.
Not sure when your card will expire? Check your account expiration date online at My Account or contact us at (610) 696-1721 /
Manage Your
Library Card Account
Set up and manage your account online, update account information, reserve or renew items, make payments and more!
O en Espanol:
Aplicaciones de tarjeta de usuario: por favor imprima la solicitud, llénela, y llevarlo a la biblioteca con ID que
muestre su nombre y dirección actual.
Have a Library Card Question?
We are here to help! Email us at

A Chester County Library System Policy • Last Updated March 2014
get to know
Pennsylvania Online World of Electronic Resources (POWER Library) provides access to magazine and newspaper indexes, full-text encyclopedias and almanacs, and an archive of over 50,000 photographs. You will need your library card barcode to access the POWER Library.
get materials from
inter library loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service among participating libraries to share resources, including those that cannot be found at one of our Chester County Library System locations. This service is available to patrons who have a current library card to any of the 18 libraries in the Chester County Library System, and whose records are updated and fine-free. If you have any questions, contact the Chester County Library’s Interlibrary Loan office at 610-280-2625.

jump on our
Free, un-secured WiFi is available at WCPL. Access is open, no password needed; simply read and agree to our Acceptable Use Policy.
A Chester County Library System Policy • Last Updated October 2019

access our
digital collections
Chester County Library System offers its patrons access to downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks through OverDrive. Enjoy popular titles, including new bestsellers and old favorites for use on your smartphone, tablet, eReader, PC, or Mac. Read digital copies of magazines on your computer, smartphone, or tablet on Flipster using your library card. For more information and how to get started with Overdrive and Flipster visit:

our favorite
digital resources
The Chester County Library System subscribes to a number of online resources for your research and information needs (look here when the search engine fails you!).
Databases By Subject >
Topics include Business, Health, Auto Repair, Science, Biography, Children’s Resources and many others.
Useful Websites by Subject >
A curated list of websites from CCLS.
Technology Tutorials
Need some help learning how to set up an email account or how to do a basic search on the Internet? Try the free online tutorials from DigitalLearn.
Book Suggestions
Need book suggestions? Try Nextreads, an email service that sends you book recommendations based on your interests. The monthly or bimonthly emails list books with a link to the CCLS online catalog for easy reserving. NoveList Plus is another excellent tool for reading recommendations including reviews, lists, articles, and more. Use NoveList to find read-alikes in both fiction and non-fiction for readers of all ages.
Looking for Community Resources?
Locate resources available in our county, from training, family/community services, mental health and much more through
did you know?
research your
Researching your family tree in Chester County, PA? The Chester County History Center is your best resource for genealogical research in the county. The following links will be very useful in your search:
For genealogical research for other parts of the US, you can access for free at the Library (this program is not available for home use). Please call ahead to reserve computer time for your research on this valuable resource.

free access
onsite at the library!
we offer
West Chester Public Library staff are available to proctor exams. The WCPL Exam Proctoring Sheet (PDF) lists our procedures and requirements for using this service. It is the student’s responsibility to check with his or her institution to be sure the institution will accept our procedures.